[From 0:00 to 24:00 on January 17# 魔龙在世Dalian added a new case of local asymptomatic infection# #Shenyang added a new confirmed case of 高仿运动鞋 imported new coronary pneumonia#]From 0:00 to 24:00 on January 17, Liaoning Province added a new case One confirmed case of imported new coronary pneumonia (asymptomatic infected person transferred to confirmed case) was reported by Shenyang City; 1 new local asymptomatic infection was reported by Dalian City. There were no new cured and discharged cases.
As of 24:00 on January 17, the province has reported a total of 810 confirmed cases (including 172 imported from abroad), 796 cured and discharged, 2 died, and 12 were treated in hospital (all imported from abroad). At present, there are still 42 asymptomatic infections (3 domestic cases and 39 imported cases) in designated hospitals for 齐乐汇 isolation, observation and treatment.
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